Highlights from the 30 Hour Novel marathon #NaNoWriWee

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Write a novel in 30 hours how could I resist this invitation from Kernel? Helpfully linked with a Guardian guide to writing a novel in a month.

On the 25th January 15 people assembled around 7.30 in the Kernel office to start the 30 hour novel writing marathon. I was one of them. It was a great  experience and it was encouraging to see how quickly the group bonded sharing tips, encouraging thoughts and discussing their individual challenges. The different approaches taken by this diverse group were fascinating. Thanks to @SusyPote  who kept us well fed and watered over two long days.

A bonus for me was meeting Jeremy Wilson who shares my astonishment that technology companies are not doing more to enrich the lives of older people.

Some of the highlights  which were shared on Twitter. Do feel free to add your favourite in the comments box!












A big thank you to Kernel for running this innovative event. I did not manage to finish my novella but there was so much learning from taking part. Congratulations to everyone who has submitted their novels by the deadline. I will  update when the public voting for the winning novel starts tomorrow.

Lessons for the Care Sector?

How to move from thinking to doing in 30 hours. There was so much energy and focus from everyone I spoke to about being involved in #NaNoWriWee. I am left wondering what could be achieved for care if we gathered together a group of motivated and inspired people from across the care sector for two days with a radical brief to redesign the care, health and care systems which any one of us may need!

3 responses to “Highlights from the 30 Hour Novel marathon #NaNoWriWee

  1. Pingback: #NaNoWriWee 26th and 27th January 2013 « Paul Coxon's moments

  2. Sandra Knott

    When will the winner be chosen?’

  3. Pingback: Novel In A Weekend | 12 Books in 12 Months

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